Abelewas, Ghanaian Ice Cream

Want to know the secret of that popular abelewas joint's smooth ice cream pops? Then this recipe is for you!
Basically in Ghana, abelewas is a frozen mixture fruit, juice, chocolate mixture or milk street snack. Every vicinity can boast of it own favorite vendor or delicacy and mine was inspired from my childhood neighborhood, Dansoman, one of the popular communities in the capital city Accra.

The fond memories of myself and siblings, buying this delicious street ice cream almost everyday after school, still warms my heart.

Here is a delicious recipe for you try and have a taste of Ghanaian street ice cream in the comfort of your homes.

All you need:
5 egg yolks
1 teaspoon fufu flour or tapioca flour
50 g sugar
200 ml full cream milk
Hwentia or negro peppers (optional)

How to make it:
In a medium size sauce pan add water about quarter of its size. Bring water to a simmer not boiling. Place a bigger saucepan or metal mixing bowl on the simmering water but water should not touch the bottom of the sauce pan on top; just the steam.
Add egg yolks, fufu or tapioca flour and sugar together into the top saucepan or metal mixing bowl and whisk to mix entirely. I infused mine with cloves because i did not have hwentia at the time of making this recipe.
Meanwhile, heat milk but do not boil.
Keep whisking egg yolk mixture until sugar completely dissolves.
Then, add in half of the warm milk while whisking continuously.

Keep whisking over the steam until the mixture thicken, about 5-10 minutes.
Then add in rest of milk in bit until desired thickness is achieved. Sauce should be thick but not so runny.

Important Notice: the thickening happens very quickly and sauce might start to cuddle if the steam is also very high. Remove sauce from steam and keep whisking to help control the temperature and stop the cuddling. I personally at this stage add the rest of the milk as it helps whisk easily.

Set aside and allow to cool down before transferring into a lollipop container and freeze them over night.
Best enjoyed on a hot sunny day but hey, eating this personally in my winter wonderland, Finland, just brings back sunny memories from home, Ghana.
Hope you also enjoy this Ghanaian ice cream. #aduanepa


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