
In today`s era of many fashion trends and lifestyle choices,its not easy for people especially women to truly find themselves and make the choices that really make them happy. From personal experiences of trying to fit in, i decided simply not to allow things to overwhelm me a lot. In my everyday routines i stick to the simple things whether its been fashion, food, health, relationships, etc. No worries in choosing what to wear or eat or how to relate.
I just go simple recipes, simple way of dressing, simple activities to build relationships and most importantly a simple lifestyle. You do not need books or other sources to tell you how to live your life,simply create a routine that you are comfortable in. Any activity that you enjoy doing either by yourself or with loved ones should be the basics of creating your lifestyle. This how i personally created my near perfect lifestyle.
This is not some boring and simple lifestyle because it built with my character around it. So when one decides to try the simple lifestyle, simply build it around your character and that is what makes you unique and standout from the crazy trends.  Remember no one is perfect we just try to make it work.


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