My Adventures Of Motherhood In Ghana

My motherhood journey started in my early 20's back home in Ghana while I was still a student. So for me, it was an adventure because it taught and took me to many different stages in my life. I learnt a lot about myself as woman, learnt how to be a good mother to my baby and took me the stages of both physical and emotional self discovery.

As a woman, I learnt a lot about my strengths and weakness during this amazing quest of motherhood. Especially in Ghana where woman play an important role in the affairs of raising the children in the family.

On my quest of learning to be a good mother, I learnt the real meaning of being a mother and the real sacrifices that comes with motherhood. Long nights, no proper rest, discerning the needs of your crying baby without any manuals to refer to, among many others are some of the bumps I experienced as young single mother.

My journey of self discovery both physically and emotionally were and still are something am still coming into terms with. Physically, my body changed. Whether is was for a good or not a so good reason I simply accepted it and worked with it to fit my new stage in life as a mother. Emotionally, my feelings were on a circus ride. I had to tune my thoughts into understanding the demands of motherhood which I always confess that, it was not an easy journey.

Today I look back into my memories of being a young single mother in Ghana and I take a lot of comfort in them because, for me the adventures of motherhood is something so unique and personalized. Every woman that's goes on the adventures of motherhood, learns and discovers something new and unique to suit her personality and most importantly her strengths as a woman and mother. And that is the uniqueness and beauty of motherhood. It has its strange ways of shaping and making every woman feel special and successful as a mother.

I take a lot of pride in my journey of motherhood mainly because, I do not let my fears overpower me but I accept them and use them to shape me as a mother. I choose to celebrate motherhood everyday for a healthy lifestyle and to also work on my strengths and flaws. No mothers is perfect, we simply try to make to work.


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