My Secrets In Motherhood

  • I smile and laugh a lot with my children even when am sad.
I try to always keep a happy face even when the situation looks bad because this helps me stay positive and not panic.
  • I take and spend quiet times by myself to think as a woman and mother everyday.
I value time spent by myself a lot because its the moment I think and plan for myself, my family and my friends. This moments are also when I pour out my emotions and frustrations by crying.
  • I keep everything simple with my personality.
My everyday choices of being a woman and a busy mother, are made minimal so I am not so overwhelmed with the stresses that comes with motherhood.
  • I admit am not perfect.
When I make mistakes as a woman and a mother, I keep this thought in mind so as not to blame myself so much which might not be emotionally healthy.
  • I always trust my mothering instincts.
I never doubt my maternal instincts and I always search for them for my daily routines.
  • I don't push myself too hard when am tired.
This is one of my go to secrets for my whole family. At times, we find ourselves with a lot of errands to satisfy and complete but I always keep in mind not to push ourselves too much so we can simply relax and enjoy the imperfections of life.
  • Finally, and most importantly I believe and stay true to myself.


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