The Power Of Motherhood?

Being a stay at home mother has thought me new things about motherhood. For most stay-at-home mothers like myself, it can sometimes be an emotional battle for both mothers and the children.

As mothers, we get to deal with every stage of our children's mood swings. When they are being sweet, cranky, over demanding, cry-some, happy, sad..., we see and experience all these mixed emotions with them and they tend to somehow also influence our emotions as mothers sometimes.

Mothers find ourselves going through these emotional stages which are mostly frustrating when we are not able to control them. Mothers are always the source of strength and comfort for our children to feel safe during these stages.

But who is OUR source of strength and comfort when we find ourselves experiencing such emotions. Motherhood is an overwhelming stage for a every woman and when we have to deal these(sometimes unexplainable) emotions, it can be extremely overwhelming and scary.

I find myself experiencing such emotional battles as a stay-at-home mother more than I have ever experienced in my motherhood journey. Fathers might be there for us and help with the children, but I ask the question, do fathers understand the level of anxiety we feel as mothers? Most cases they don't, I beg to differ.

How do mothers cope with these emotions on daily bases? Where do mothers find the strength to stay strong and positive everyday? Its something I cant explain or really understand, but my only guess is that, its the power of motherhood. No mother is perfect, we simply try to make it work.


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