Ghanaian Broccoli and Egg stew

Cooking Time:30mins          Prep Time:5mins


8-10 tblspn oil

1 big size onion

1 inch size fresh ginger

2 garlic cloves

Broccoli (fresh)

1 tspn chili powder

400g can crushed tomatoes

2 eggs

1/2 tspn white pepper

1/2 tspn curry powder

1/2 tspn nutmeg powder


Method of preparation:

Firstly slice onion, ginger, garlics, and the stem(hard part) of the broccoli living the flowery part.

Add to hot oil over medium heat frying for a minute then add chili powder.

Secondly add in tomatoes, cover and leave to cook for 15 to 20 mins, stirring occasionally.

Thirdly add in eggs and the broccoli, cover and allow to simmer for yet another 5 mins.

Next stir in the eggs to break, add spices and check for salt.

Serve with rice or any preferred option like couscous, boiled potatoes, plantain or yam.


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