Asaana - Ghanaian Fermented Corn drink

All you need

1 cup dry corn
5 cups water
2 cups sugar

How to make it

Crush the corn into grits size.
Put into a coverable container.
Add water, cover and leave in room temperature for 3 days or more to activate the fermentation process.
After three or more days sieve and keep the water throwing the soaked corn away.
Now put sugar in a dry big frying pan or saucepan to caramelise.
At this you decide the colour you want your asaana to look like. A lighter caramel will make a lighter coloured asaana and a darker caramel will yield a darker asaana.
Next with a whisk carefully add the fermented corn water to the hot sugar gradually and keep whisking to prevent the hot sugar from curdling up since the water is cold.... this process is call tempering.
Keep adding the water and temper till you pour in all the fermented water.
Still with the heat on whisk until the foam disappears from the surface of the Asaana.
Turn of heat, transfer asaana to a clean bowl and leave to cool down completely before bottling.
It can be kept fr up to 2 weeks in the fridge.

Enjoy with ice or milk.


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