African Tamales Abro ne Nkati Ghanaian maize snack

All you need

1 cup of dry corn grits or crushed corn
1 cup of raw peanuts
Pinch of salt
6 dried corn husks

How to make it.

Soak corn grits in cold water with a pinch of salt/1 tsp for 3 hours. 
Soak corn husk for 15 minutes and pat dry
Next sieve corn and with a spoon scoop into soaked husk. 1-2 tablespoons or enough so you can wrap.(makes 3 big wraps or 4-5 small wraps)

Add about 1 tablespoon of raw peanuts.

Tie carefully with some extra corn husk torn into small yarns. You can also use a kitchen yarn to tie.

Put them into a deep saucepan and add water to cover completely.
Boil 1-2 hours or till corn is soft and cooked. 

Enjoy by itself as a full snack or with salad for a great lunch or dinner.

Tip: you might need to keep adding water so always watch when it's cooking.


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