Almond And Coconut Breakfast Muffins

The Original recipe was to make pancakes for our new fitness meal plans. Unfortunately the batter wouldn't hold together when hubby tried frying so we decided to bake them instead and was really impressed ๐Ÿ˜ƒ.  
I made them again and concluded this is a winner breakfast idea for low carbohydrates meal plans. 
This is so easy with almost no efforts needed to make these perfect breakfast muffins . They are best served with some warm berries which I would share the recipe some time later ๐Ÿ˜‰. Meanwhile you can simply boil some berries of choice in orange juice add sugar or honey and allow to boil for 5 to 10 minutes. Alternatively, serve with some jam for an equally delicious taste also. Recipe for muffins below. 
Almond and Coconut Muffins.

All you need:

1 dl almond flour 
1 dl coconut flour 
3 eggs 
Add sweeteners to taste(I used 1 tablespoon of honey)
5 dl milk 
1 teaspoon baking powder 
Pinch of salt 

How to make it:

Pre heat oven 175° degrees. Oil muffin tray with butter or baking spray. Mix all the ingredients together in a blender. Transfer to greased muffin trays and bake till golden brown  (20-30mins). Enjoy. This recipe make about 12 perfect muffins. Store the rest in an air tight container for up to a week in the fridge and save breakfast time ahead.

Plated for girl in her favourite Muumi plate.


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