Oats and Chia seeds Pancakes

As a mother trying to get fit at home with two children , I always look out for quick yet delicious recipes especially for breakfasts.
I love oats a lot. But eating it always as a porridge can get boring sometimes that's why I came up with this recipe.
I tried a of couple other recipes but I loved the soft but yet crunchy texture I got from this one so it's now a keeper for my oats breakfast ideas. Give it a try for a healthy start to your mornings .
All you need
40g of ground oats
1 tablespoon of chia seeds
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
3-5 tablespoons of milk
Butter for frying
How to make it
Grind oats into a flour like texture.
In a bowl add in rest of ingredients but milk.
Mix all together adding in a tablespoon of milk at a time.
Fry in butter with a tablespoon scoop for mini sized pancakes and two tablespoons for small sized  pancakes.
Use the back of the spoon to spread out the mixture for a flat surface.
Fry about a minute each on both sides.
Enjoy with mango (I used canned mango ) using the juice as a delicious syrup.
If using fresh mango simply mash the mango and pour it over the pancakes to soak up the juice.


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