Black Eyed Peas And Spinach Stew

Beans And Spinach Stew (Serves 4p)

All you need
1 cup black eyed peas/beans
3 tablespoon each coconut/palm oil
1 medium sized onion
1-2 teaspoon chili powder (optional)
2 tablespoon tomato paste/puree
400g sliced fresh tomatoes/can crushed plumped tomatoes
2 tablespoon #KatsGhanaspice or half a tspn each or ground nutmeg,  curry powder, white pepper and dried rosemary
Salt to taste
500g of spinach leaves

How to make it
Pre soak black eyed peas(15mins) and boil until cooked (30-45 minutes depending on quantity)
Slice Onions and add to 50/50 of palm oil/coconut oil over medium heat in an appropriate sauce/frying pan.
Add chili powder if using.
Add tomato paste, stir to combine and allow to cook 1-2 minutes.
Add sliced fresh tomatoes/can crushed. Mix, allow to simmer 10-20 minutes depending on quantity of stew.
Add spices and salt to taste.
Next, add cooked peas and roughly chopped spinach leaves. Cook for about 2 minutes just to soften spinach leaves.
Done #Eduanipa.
Serve with plain rice or macaroni for a Finnish twist 😉.


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