Plantain Tacos/Plantain

All you need:
1 green unripe plantain 
rye flour 
coconut oil for frying

How to make it 
Peel and boil plantain until cooked 7-10mins. 
Allow to cool down and blend. Avoid adding water but you can add a few tablespoon if blending becomes difficult .
Best results is to use the hand blender. 
Add salt. 
Roll out on a rye flour powdered table top.
Make into balls 3-4 max. Add more flour if it sticky.
With floured surface and rolling pin, roll the them flat. 
Fry in a bit of coconut oil about 1-2 minutes on each sides. 
Keep in a clean kitchen napkin.
Top with your toppings(I used vegan sausage, vegetables and a mustard/honey tomato salsa). Enjoy.


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