Suomi 100 Cold Smoked Salmon Soup

If you want to try Finnish foods, here's of the most loved soup in most homes. Interestingly, I had this soup when I was in Ghana as prepared by their now husband .
Interestingly, this was the soup that initiated our relationship (will tell the story some other time ); so for our #Suomi100 independence day celebrations today, 6th of December, we decided to have some thing as traditional and special to us like this cold smoked salmon soup.
Hubby talked me trough preparing this soup (his recipe) and our special independence day lunch was just perfect.
Here's a surprising simple and delicious reacipe for you to try.
All you Need (Serves 4persons)
1 small onion
2 garlic cloves
1 handful of sliced leeks
1 bay leaf
5 black peppercorns
1 vegetables stock cube
1 tspn ground black pepper
1 tspn white pepper
1 tspn dried dill
1 tspn salt
2-3 carrots
4-5 medium sized potatoes
200g cold smoked salmon
1dl cream ( optional and I used whipping cream)
Salt to taste
1 handful of fresh dill
How to make it
Firstly add 1 tablespoon of oil/butter to the soup pan. Wash and peel onions, garlic and vegetables.
Dice or slice and add to the oil in the sauce pan, add in all spices, stock cube, dry herbs and stir fry for 2 minutes.
Wash and peel potatoes and add to vegetables. Pour about 500ml of warm water over potatoes, cover and let it boil until potatoes are cooked 15-20 minutes over medium heat.
When potatoes are cooked, add in sliced or cubed smoked salmon. Allow to boil through for just a minute and remove from heat. The hot soup will help cook the salmon so not to over cook them. Also at this stage, soup is actually ready to eat if your not adding cream; add fresh dill and serve with bread (the Finnish way ) or eat by itself for a taste of my special Finnish cold smoked salmon soup.
If using cream, add the cream at same time when adding the smoked salmon. Remove from heat just when it boils through (max 1 minute), add fresh dill and enjoy .


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