Kelewele Stir Fry

If you want to add varieties to your meals, then this is a must try.
It's as basic as adding Ghanaian spiced chili paste (I used dried spices for this one), to the yellow plantain and blanched french beans together in a hot coconut oiled pan. Stir fry until plantain are golden on most sides and done; food is ready.
All you need:
20 fingers French beans(fresh)
1 big size Yellow plantain
2 tablespoon of coconut oil
1 tspn each of chili flakes, ginger powder, onion powder, garlic powder and powdered cloves.
How to make it:
Wash, cut the ends of the beans off and cover with hot water in a bowl for 3-5 minutes.
Meanwhile peel and slice plantain into cubes or half moon shapes.
Add coconut oil to pan over medium heat.
Add in plantain when oil is hot enough.
Seive off beans and to pan. Season with the spice blend and salt to taste. Keep frying and stiring occasionally until plantains are cooked and golden brown in colour; about 10-15 minutes depending on the sizes. I didn't cut up my beans but you can cjpose to cut them to reduce down the cooking time also.
Enjoy as a delicious warm salad or side dish with meat of your choice. 
Mine was a life saviour packed lunch but it you can enjoy this as dinner also.


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