Ghanaian Vegetables Mpotompoto

On my Ghanaian gluten free and no carbs diet, this delicious recipe was made. It's a one pot meal that requires almost no effort at all.

All you Need
700g chicken thighs or drumsticks
3 big tomatoes
2 garlic cloves
1 onion
1 inch ginger (about a child's thumb size)
1 cup each of chopped zucchini or garden eggs, cauliflower and carrots.
1 vegetable fondue/stock block
1 tablespoon M.L compliment spice
Salt to taste
1/2 cup palm oil
Basil leaves or any herbs (optional)

How to make it
Add cleaned chicken to a soup saucepan over medium heat.
Blend together onion, ginger garlic, spice and fondue/stock.
Add mixture to chicken with enough water just to cover chicken.
Roughly chop vegetables and add in.
Tip chop vegetables as big as you wish, because they might all mash once the food is cooked. That is the nature of this meal.
Add salt to tase and herbs if using.
Cover and allow to cook 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
After 30 minutes remove cover from saucepan, add palm oil and allow cook yet another 15-20 minutes. Not forgetting to stir.
Once all vegetables are mashed up and chicken is cooked, food is ready.
You can also use any vegetables you have available.


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