Ghanaian-Spiced Fried Tilapia

As a lazy cook, I am always on the look out for easy but delicious recipes. Fortunately, my Ghanaian spices saves my days like this fried tilapia. I marinated the fish for less than 10 minutes and it was still amazingly delicious so you can imagine if you give its marinating time for at least 1 hour. I simply blended my spices and vegetables together, marinated the tilapia covered and shallow fried it until cooked.
This delicious tilapia will be best eaten with some hot Ghanaian banku or kenkey and spicy chili sauces but I happily ate this on my low carb diet just on its on with some spicy m3ko (Ghanaian red pepper sauce) and some salad.
Simple and delicious.

All you need:
1-2 Tilapia
50 g fresh ginger
2 tablespoons chili powder or paprika for a less spicy marinade
3 garlic cloves
1 teaspoon powdered cloves or 10 whole cloves
1 small onion
Lemon juice

How to make it
Clean ingredients and add into a blender.
Add bits of lemon juice and blend into your desired texture. I like my my marinade slightly rough so I leave bits of ginger in it.
Clean tilapia and trim off the fins. Score the fish by making cuts on the tilapia. This helps fish to cook through.
Marinate fish in a bowl, cover and allow fish to marinate for an hour or more. Make sure to rub some of the marinade into the scored sections for maximum flavor experience.
Shallow fry fish in any seed oil or coconut oil, about 3 minutes on both sided of the tilapia.

Enjoy with banku/kenkey/fried yam and some hot chili sauces or shitor.

Enjoy #AduanePa


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