Tuna Shitor

A real quick recipe for my tuna shitor. This is exactly how I prepared it, prior to the day my guests were visiting us. 
The important tip is, allowing the sauce to slow cook for hours so all the moisture burns out.
I must confess the best way I enjoyed this particular tuna shitor was with some delicious Ghanaian sugar bread.
The sweetness of the bread was a perfect balance with the spicy and savoury shitor.
Simply swap hot chili powder the paprika powder for an extra spicy version.

All you need
2 medium size onions
5 cloves of garlic
70 g fresh ginger
200 ml of vegetable oil (you might need more)
1 tablespoon dried thyme
1 tablespoon dried rosemary
1 teaspoon powdered white pepper
1 teaspoon powdered curry
1 -2 tablespoon of ML Compliment Spice or shrimp powder
40 g tomato paste
200 g canned tune in oil
1-2 tablespoons powdered cayenne pepper
3-5 tablespoon smoked paprika powder (you can use hot chili powder instead to suit your taste buds)
Salt to taste

How to make it
Firstly, blend the onions, garlic, ginger with the oil together into a smooth mixture.
Pour into your size-able cooking pot, (about 5L capacity) over medium heat.
Add in spices and tomato paste. Stir to combine completely and allow to simmer for about 3-5 minutes stirring occasionally.
Add in canned tuna, powdered cayenne pepper and paprika powder.
At this stage you might need to add in about 100 ml more, of oil and salt to taste.
Stir, reduce heat to the lowest and allow sauce to cook/blacken for 4-5 hours at least.
Keep an eye on the sauce and stir about every 15 minutes.
This slow cooking stage is where the magic happens, so be sure to really lower the heat under the sauce to prevent the bottom from catching!
Store in a sterilised glass jar for up to 3 months in a clean dark place or in the fridge.


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