Gari Bread

As you may know, I am on  solely Ghanaian diet this year  for my fitness goals. And to give me varieties in my meals, I am switching up and creating recipes with mostly Ghanaian ingredients.

This recipe is my first attempt for this high fiber and iron enriched gluten free bread. All ingredients can be sourced locally and you can try frying this recipe in absence of a oven(I haven't tried frying it yet, that would be your challenge in you dare lol).
 I will keep working on this recipe to achieve a very lighter texture and also a vegan possibility.

I personally enjoyed eating the Garri bread with shito, Ghanaian black chili sauce. I also had it with some meko spread on the base, avocado and topped with shrimps. Delicious treat it was. And oh, I even had a hot chocolate dunking situation with the Garri bread and it was near success forget how I used the last dried slices(because it was kept in cloth napkin on the kitchen counter), for some scrumptious snack which is technically a Ghanaian breakfast. Kyibom, Ghanaian omelette was a tasty treat with the last slices of the Garri bread as seen below. 

Will definitely try and and up date this recipe soon. For now enjoy the first recipe test success.

All You Need 
250g plain yogurt 
5 whole eggs
150g garri 
2 1/2  teaspoon baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoon salt 
Optional seeds for toppimg

How To Cook It
Pre-heat oven 175° 
Mix all ingredients together
Oil baking break tin with oil or butter 
Coat with a layer of garri on all the sides
Pour garri mixture into the baking tin and sprinkle seeds on top if using. 
 bake for 30-40 minutes

Store in a bread cloth or container for 4-5 days and up to a week in the fridge. #Eduanepa

Ps. All typos will be checked later, kinda tired to edit lols. 
And please leave a comment with thoughts and feedback. Thank you. xx


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