Meal Prep- Gari Shitor

So basically, gari shitor is a mixture gari (grated and toasted cassava made grits like) and shitor ( spicy, chili sauce). Photo above is a vegan version with fried ripen plantain, avocado and and extra #veganshitor .

Photo below is what this recipe will serve you. I recommend you add some salad for freshness.

Sounds simple when you have  a jar of shitor ready. If not, you will have to make the shitor before enjoying this dish. Recipe for Shitor here. With the gari, you will find it in all African shops in your country or, on the street markets if you live in Ghana, Africa.

For this recipe, doing my #GhanaianGlutenfreeDiet, I added some vegetables and shrimps for extra protein.

All you need:

60 g of gari
2 tblspn of cold water
Pinch of salt
2 tblspn of preferred oil (coconut oil for this one)
Vegetables of choice: I used about 100 g of French beans 
100 g shrimps ( I used frozen shrimps)
1 or 2 tblspn of shitor

Firstly, add water and salt to the gari in a bowl and mix thoroughly until fluffy.

Fry veggies and shrimps together over medium heat.

Add in shitor and gari. Remove from heat and keep stirring until everything is mixed in well.

Adjust salt to taste and enjoy. You can add some extra shitor, kelewele or avocado also.


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